ADCOLOR 2013 Recap Pt 1

“Randy Jackson's flower print jacket.”  – AA 
People keep asking me how this year's ADCOLOR Awards & Industry Conference was. It's been two weeks, and being a writer, I’m pretty embarrassed my response is still: “Awesome! Inspirational! Motivational! The weather in LA changed my life!”(I'm usually very conservative with exclamation marks, but they served as my attempt to show the exponential awesomeness of the whole weekend.) 

So, instead of wasting your time with my foolishness, here is some feedback from a few other folks who were there and apparently are more articulate than I am.

What Was Awesome
  • Having an honest conversation with Wilson Cruz at the show's after party - he is so down-to-earth and fearless.  – AA 
  • EVERYONE was nice, humble and willing to help. I've been to many conferences before but this feels like family. – MG
  • Michele Thornton's comments were my favorite from the entire day of the conference. I wanted to steal her and sit her in a room with a cocktail and just listen to her talk. She's who I want to be when I grow up. – TC (See more of Michelle) 
  • Everyone there, no matter their background, title or profession, was extremely open to having a conversation and willing to drop knowledge. – MM

What Inspired You?

    Nick Cannon and Soledad O’Brien's advice on overcoming adversity, 
    sticking to your beliefs and making your dreams come true. - TB
  • Kevin Carroll's life story and message. I am now seeking out CEOs (chief encouragement officers) in my life and am striving to be a CEO for others. – AA
  • I was truly inspired by listening to Soledad O'Brien share with us her life journey. She was real, honest and open about her ups and downs, and incredibly humble. – RV
  • ADCOLOR was an opportunity to be surrounded by greatness, which inspires you to do and be even better than you were when you got there. - TT
  • I was impressed and inspired by all of the things people are doing in the industry and the world. The reaching back part of ADCOLOR's mission is so ingrained in everyone. - TB
  • I was extremely inspired by Kevin Carroll’s speech to the ADCOLOR Futures. AdColor 2012 taught me the importance of having a mentor and AdColor 2013 taught me that having a Chief Encouragement Officer is equally important. PS I asked him to be my CEO and he said yes! - MM  
What motivated You?
  • Everyone in the AADCOLOR Futures class made me want to do better and be better. – AA
  • Hearing things like: “Stop looking at the situation or the structure and look at the individual.” at the #FreeTheTitles Panel – TC
  • And: "Never feel like you are "lucky" to be at your agency because of your ethnicity or background. There always room (and money) for greatness."  at the Don’t Say It, Be It: What Does Leading An Inclusive Culture Really Mean Panel – TC
  • ADCOLOR is my professional revival. I leave the conference and award show refreshed and motivated. I'm already counting down for the next ADCOLOR. - HW
  •  This year ADCOLOR recharged my purpose and passion for the ad industry. - KT 

What Changed Your Life:
  • Before this weekend, I didn't truly understand what ADCOLOR was, but now I want to be on their team. I want to help make next year's conference even better and mentor someone from the next Futures class. - AA
  • Halfway through ADCOLOR University, I had a moment where I realized that every single person in the room is like me. That doesn't happen very often. It was comforting to know that I am not alone and there are people who are smart, successful and talented that I can look up to and call friends. Amazing. - MM
  • From the panels to acceptance speeches I've always felt that ADCOLOR reminds us all that we are not alone in this quest for change and I am truly grateful.  – TC

Special thanks to the following for sharing their thoughts:

Alla Arutcheva, Junior Copywriter, FL seeking FT, LA
Haywood Watkins III, WPP Fellow, Melbourne, Australia  
KeniThacker, Executive Producer, Differenter/ Sr Event Technology Specialist, JWT, NY 
Mariam Guessous, Art Director, Launchpad Advertising, looking, NY 
MeronMedhanie, Account Executive, JWT Inside, LA
Rati Vaishya, Talent Strategist, diversity consultant and educator, FL seeking FT, NY 
Tracey Coleman, Associate Creative Director, Walton Isaacson NY 

Troy Bell, Account Supervisor, VLM NY 

Pictured Above:
Randy Jackson, Louis Carr, Soledad O'Brien, Nick Cannon, MC Hammer, Brandice Henderson and Marshall Lauck