How it Feels to Job Hunt as a Recent Grad

June is all about Dads and Grads according to advertising. (Not gonna lie, I sometimes forget about holidays until an ad tells me I should send my mother flowers.) 

The great part of graduating college is that you did it! You made it through four years of education, tests, trials, life lessons and hangovers. You're older, smarter, wiser and and a little chubbier than your younger self.

However, when it comes to looking for a job - you are not so savvy. And you realise you're on the bottom of the totem pole, starting over in whatever position is the lower version of a freshman in the professional world.

Good luck!

Here's a post of 8 of the Common Job Search Mistakes Recent Grads Make - the one that really stood out to me and that I wish I knew was "Not helping employers understand how your experience relates to their needs."  

And below is a fun gif series by NY Creative Interns (check out their job board and sign up for their newsletter for weekly opportunities, networking events in NY and online.)  

How it Feels to Job Hunt as a Recent Grad

You’ve just completed your college degree and you’re ready to take over the world!
You’ve heard that the job market isn’t so good, but you’re not worried at all.
First, you hunt for some entry level job postings online:
You quickly learn that entry level can actually mean 1-3 years experience.
But no worries! That’s what those college internships were for, right?
After finding a few decent job prospects, you get to work polishing up that resume:
Once your resume is up to par, it’s time to work on crafting the perfect cover letter. Let this company know just how thrilled you’d be to work there. 
Once those are both done, it’s time to send out your applications!
 Now it’s just time to sit back and wait for the job offers to roll in.
Errr…Fast forward a few weeks. You’ve filled out a few more applications but still haven’t heard anything back.
So you hunt for more jobs:
Write more cover letters:
And send out more applications:
You start to feel bad for yourself.
 george michael bluth falls down
 You may even become a bit cranky.
ron swanson i hate everything
The worst is when friends and relatives start asking if you’ve gotten a job yet.
You don’t know what else you can do.
But then, one day you come across the NY Creative Interns website:
It has a highly curated list of entry level jobs and internships in creative fields.
It also has helpful blog posts with tips for building your network, acing an interview, improving your resume, and more.


As well as a Weekly Opportunities Newsletter emailed every Monday!


Best of all, there are lots of in person and virtual events where you can gain insight and advice from creative professionals, build your network, and meet awesome new people.
Remember, you’re not alone. Finding a job out of school can be tough. But with the help of NY Creative Interns, you can make the best of this learning experience.
