Inspiration: Enjoying NY as a Creative

Yesterday I met some young strategists from VCU who were considering moving to New York. I recommended they go out for a day, get lost and then decide if they could handle living here.

Being lost within this hustle and bullshit is THE WORST. But if you're lucky, you'll realise a few things - people aren't that rude, the city is on a grid so once you know where West and Uptown are you can figure most things out, and if you stare at a subway map long enough you'll get dizzy.

"This city is awful, but I love it." Was my closing remark. And seriously, I'm a full-out cliche: I heart NY.

It's the most alive and inspiring place I've every lived -- and I've been around. While it's loud, dirty and full of itself, New York is one of the best places for creative people. It's so random and irreverent and wide open for exploration and creation.

Whether you're coming to visit or just looking for some new vantage points, here are some places to spend a few hours inspiration hunting

Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway
Go any day but it's free on the first Saturday. Plus there's a block party, talks, tours, performances and more.

MoMa (Museum of Modern Art)
11 West 53rd Street
It's free on Fridays and has some of the coolest exhibitions of modern art, films and great giftstore.

Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Avenue
Great collection of mixed media - paintings, photos, installations, videos, etc. They're currently hosting their Biennial - an international art show

Here's a whole listing of when other museums have free admission (But if you can manage to donate $5 or so, do it. Don't be an asshole. Support the arts.)

The Highline
Above 10th ave and 14th st and upwards
Public park along old railroad tracks. Great views of the city. Also sometimes has art installations.

The Cloisters
99 Margaret Corbin Drive
A museum and garden with art and architecture from medieval Europe.

Brooklyn Bridge Park
Pier 6, Pier 1, Empire Fulton Ferry, Main Street
Walk the Bk bridge, take the ferry, take the train or bike there. It's along the water with great open space.

Check out TimeOut's 10 Best Parks

Washington Square Park
 5th Ave and Waverly, West 4th and Thompson.
Lots to observe: musicians playing, old men playing chess and people playing in the empty water fountain.
Google Maps Info

Union Square Park
E 14th St and Broadway
There are little vendors, skate boarders, performers, a green market and a dog park. Grab a snack from Whole Foods and just sit and watch humans interact.

Williamsburg Waterfront
110 Kent Ave (L to Bedford)
Hippies, yuppies, buppies, weirdos, hipsters and two or three normal people. Oh and there are concerts during the summer.

Avoid Times Square, Herald Square