It's half time in America

I jizz for great copywriting. I missed the SuperBowl (sleep snuck up on me and had me in a choke hold) but when I finally caught up with the ads, this moved me and made me simultaneously excited and envious. I love well done work. Kudos to the team.

Some readers requested the info on this great spot. Enjoy.

Agency:Wieden + Kennedy Portland
Director:David Gordon Green
Creative Director:Aaron Allen
Creative Director:Michael Tabtabai
Creative Director:Joe Staples
Copywriter:Kevin Jones
Copywriter:Smith Henderson
Copywriter:Matthew Dickman
Art Director:Jimm Lasser
When you see work you like, take note of who did it, where they work, where they used to work, where they went to school, what other work they've done, what their social security number and blood type are and do your best to emulate/stalk/be inspired by them. 
P.S. If you ever want to know who worked on a spot - check Creativity Online and Ads of the World.