I see you over there, so young, eager, excited, confused and scared shitless. That's ok. Here's some help for your biggest creative assignment yet - selling yourself. Stay tuned for tips, articles and advice on everything from compensation, competitions and not coming off like an idiot, or worse, an asshole.
Is your idea big enough?
How does your idea work across different mediums?
How can you take your core thought/benefit and express it as many ways as possible and still engage people?
It's not just about making a big splash, but being able to make the same big splash in several different areas and different ways.
Here's a really interesting campaign mixing mediums and technology.
(Read more at Mashable)
If your idea can't turn into three or more print ads, a few TV spots, radio, online engagement (Facebook/Twitter etc), mobile engagement and out of home then you're idea isn't shit.
Start over and think bigger.